Ocean Stars team 2014

Ocean Stars team 2014

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Catch up with us!

What has the group been up to recently?

Since the last blog post the team have been continuing their efforts to raise money for Ocean Stars, in order to reach the team fundraising goal.

Some of the lucky year 11 students in the team are now on their long GCSEs summer. However this did not stop them from continuing to fundraise. Jacob, Nicole , Oli , Fiona, Imogen and Sameena all pitched in to do a teacher's Car wash on Monday 23rd of June.

Not only this but the students who are still attending school and working hard - in years 10 and 9 - have still managed raise money towards the fundraising total.

Faye, Georgie and Leanne went to the B&Q in New Malden and successfully raised generous amount for the charity.

A group of willing cyclists took on the London to Brighton challenge in order to get sponsors on their just giving page.
Car washing efforts form the yr 11 students
Faye, Leanne and Georgie getting reading to fundraise around B&Q

Meetings, Meetings and Meetings!

In the past month the team had a meeting to discuss fundraising success and continue to organise and plan their lessons. As usual the team are working very well together and most of the lesson plans are now complete or coming to the end of the planning process. 

To follow these meetings this week there is a parent meeting and a final student meeting before the end of term.

Mrs Angel, Faye and Leanne discussing lesson plans

Oli, Nicole, Jake and Imogen very pleased as they have nearly finished their lesson plan!

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